Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pura Vida!

It’s been almost 2 1/2 years since we first came to Costa Rica on our honeymoon looking for adventure and relaxation. What we found was paradise, and we haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since!

Besides the gorgeous countryside, there is much to love about Costa Rica.  The country is approachable and embraceable because of its proximity to the U.S., prevalence of spoken English, democratic government, and tropical cuisine.

After our honeymoon, we set our sights on moving to CR, but as you can imagine, it’s easier dreamt of than actually done. Most people don’t want to uproot and move away from the life they’ve worked hard to build - and we’re no different. So how do we get our fix of the Costa Rican dream?

We have started exploring ways to find our piece of the country and plan to keep this blog updated with our progress.  We’ll also post about our travels to and around CR, some of our favorite spots, and the insight we gain along the way. 


We hope you enjoy reading about our experiences and love for CR. And of course, we hope you get the chance to visit the country and experience all the blessings that make it so unique!

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